A common thing for people to do each new year is to create a list of goals that they’d like to accomplish. And I’ve got a few as well. The past year and a half I’ve spent taking a break to recover from a minor surgery, prepare for my wedding, and adjusting to the changes of married life.
One of these changes in the doubling of my commute to and from work. This has decreased the amount of time available for me to work on writing but my mind is not ceasing to have ideas for topics that I’d like to cover. Since this is the new year I’d like to provide some history of how this site came to be before I tell you what’s upcoming.
I began blogging in 2020 as part of a blog tour for an associate of mine in the Young Writer’s Workshop who had gotten signed for her two part book series. Since then I would write on and off on that blog covering topics that interested me just seeing what would hit or miss with the online audience. This is the same blog most of you found me on. But as I started digging into scripture my topics became heavily focused on explaining world events from a Christian Spiritual Perspective. These were the original Thoughtful Thursdays blogs before I had created the name for them.
Later in 2022 I would move out on my own and be led to create this website Isaiah 1:18 Ministries. I also tried my hand at Podcasting hoping I could grow faster in that method than with blogging. My early episodes didn’t have fully written scripts and my Mom’s insight said that I should go back to doing this. I am currently in the process of recording those early episodes and releasing them as articles here on this site like in began doing in 2023.
Upcoming in 2025
New Topics to Write About
What I am most excited about is expanding what type of articles I write. Since Thoughtful Thursdays are tied to the podcast I have to spend more time on them and that means they take more time to produce. I’m planning to add two more types of articles. The first is called “Media Mondays” and is fueled by my love of stories where I will review books and movies showcasing the themes and ideas that are being presented and worked out in them. The second one I don’t exactly have a name for yet. But it will be my thoughts about what was said in the sermon at my church. Think of them as “Thoughtful Thursdays Lite” where instead of it being something that I thought of first and then researched in scriptures I am instead considering the points of my pastor or my Sunday School’s focus.
Changing the Podcast
We are called by God to be responsible with what He has given us and to make sure we count the cost of what we do. I am currently hosted by Buzzsprout which is a distribution platform putting the podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and others. Since it is a paid service to keep all of the episodes available for more than 90 days I am moving to YouTube and Rumble as an inexpensive alternative.
As I mentioned already I am in the process of updating my earlier episodes to be more concise and will upload them to the respective channels as they are completed and formatted from audio to video.
Ways to Support this Site’s Work
Above I’ve already said that running this site and doing this work costs time and money. I’ve been able to do this out of pocket thanks to the blessings of God but things are changing in my life and I need this operation to be self-sustaining. That’s why I ask you to subscribe to both the Rumble and YouTube accounts, play the videos when they go live, and leave comments for community engagement so that the algorithms suggest them to others. The hope is that this will allow the channel to qualify for ad revenue earnings.
Watching the videos are free ways to support this site and they require very little of you. You don’t even have to actually watch it for it to count in the system. All you need to do is play the video until the end. But if you’d like to support the work financially I am planning to launch a Subscribe Star in the future.
But Most Importantly, pray for me to have wisdom as I navigate the paths in my life for how to both continue this work and be a responsible head of my family.
As always, courage and Godspeed until next time.