In 2017 I encountered a video series on YouTube called “The War on Truth.” The producer of this series was a ministry simply called “The Fuel Project.”
The War on Truth provided me with a unique framework to view the culture war because it viewed it as a war between two virtue types. A war which began long ago as a result of corruption within the Roman Catholic church.
During the Early and Middle Medieval periods the Roman Catholic church controlled all knowledge and what was thought of by the people. But as more people gained understanding of the Bible and it was made into their own language the corruption and deceit of the Roman Catholic Church became well known. Thus society began to pursue truth and knowledge believing that if it was a lack of these things that got them into the mess then a fulfillment of these would prevent them from happening again.
But as the 1950’s drew to a close and the 1960’s opened up a new counter culture movement had begun. This generation saw the increased power of the atomic bombs and learned from first hand accounts of what it was like to serve in the Second World War. This generation only wanted a peace that would last and believed it would come from the embracing of love since they perceived the last war to have been caused by too many truth claims. And thus a lot more of a “live and let live” mindset was developed. In addition to the new mindset a rebellion against the old ways was spreading and the “free love” movement also grew in popularity. Everything then came to a tipping point in 1967’s “Summer of Love” where the ideas where rapidly spread and popularized.
Mark, who created the Fuel Project, began researching this topic in 2013 when after speaking at a conference about two types of virtues that God exhibits. Hard virtues and Soft virtues which are gauged by how easy or difficult they are to deal with in our own lives. Since then he has expounded on this subject by producing more series dedicated to the culture war. In one of those series he describes our current cultural landscape as a “Post-Truth Society” where objective truth is so often discarded in favor of not offending anyone or causing emotional discomfort.
One prominent example of how far our society has drifted away from truth is Bill H.R.5 of the 117th United States Congress (2021-2022). This bill was labeled the “Equality Act” but when I read through it I discovered that it would redefine the legal protections against discrimination against sex to include Gender Identity.
This means a man can claim he identifies as a woman and walk into a woman’s bathroom, changing room, women’s only section of a spa such as the sauna, participate in female sports, and the owners of these facilities or orchestrators of these events are legally forbidden from stopping this. Among the legislation is that it would ban what was labeled as “Conversion Therapy” or as some people mockingly call it “pray the gay away.” The “Conversion Therapy” I hold would be better defined as “Encounter Therapy” for it is a place and time where people seek God to overcome this attraction, confusion, or even underlying trauma that has messed with their mental state. There are testimonies of people who’ve gone through times of suffering and internal emotional struggles. Mark Fairly, of the Fuel Project, has made several videos where he points out an interesting correlation between emotional trauma in the developmental years and 10 well known celebrities calling this simply The Trauma Theory. Because there is an increased focus on the feelings of people they are being denied the truth that can prevent harm. We know it is impossible to change gender and thus these people who believe these things are delusional if they believe it or lying if they don’t. And whatever the case is, the end result is harm for healthy body parts will be removed by the self-proclaimed Sex-Change Surgeries.
(Author’s Note: When I first did this podcast episode in the beginning of 2022 Jonathan Cahn’s book “Return of the Gods” hadn’t come out yet. When I read the book in 2023 I learned that one of the old demonic forces in the ancient world Ishtar was believed to be able to blur the boundaries of sex; removing it from the boundaries of marriage between one man and one woman, causing same sex attraction, having the power to change people to the opposite sex, and being violently hostile to any who would resist her. In addition to this I have watched an interview by Michael Knowles with a Priest and Exorcist who worked for a while at a camp that was meant to be a place where the same sex attraction and transgender belief could be countered spiritually. One of the things they did was have one of their attendees, a man, to be in something like a hypnotic state where they had him visualize God forming him in the womb as a boy. When they got to the point where God forms the genitalia a demon manifested from him and was summarily cast out of the man. He then was recovered and able to undergo the full visualization process without hinderance or aversion. This I find interesting since it leads credence to the theory by Jonathan Kann, who is a Messianic Jewish Rabbi and the person Michael Knowles interviewed was a Roman Catholic Priest, that there is a spiritual force at play behind this trend. The Priest would explain that as they spent time with the man it was revealed he was actually the first child of his parents but that he was an illegitimate child and the legitimate child that was had after him was a girl. This man began to internalize the belief that he had to be a girl in order to be loved and accepted which was propagated by a demon took advantage of the abandonment.)
With all of this in mind there is a significant pressure for us to conform and give up on truth. And this is not possible for us as Christians to do because when we proclaim ourselves to be servants of Christ who proclaims himself to be the way, truth, and life in John 14:6 to deny truth would be to deny Him. One thing that I learned after publishing Welcome to the Armory is that the Roman military belt, the Belta or Cingdulom Militaire(in Latin the letter C make the hard K sound when at the beginning of a word). And it’s that soldiers were required to wear it even when off duty because it was a display of their position and enabled others to recognize them. When Paul in Ephesians 6:13 ties truth to the Belta he is saying truth has to be part of our identity as Christians and that we must walk this way of life.
The image I drew for today’s post is a majestic crown contrasted by a crazy man in a straight jacket and that’s because of what answer we must give to the question of who Jesus is. In his book “Mere Christianity” S.C. Lewis provides us the three conclusions that we are left to draw on the question of who Jesus was or is. Either he was telling the truth and thus he is Lord the ruler of all for he is God. A liar who was saying things just to draw a crowd to himself as there have been many such figures in history. Or he was a lunatic who was lying but believed that his lies were the truth and thus had the confidence to say and do as he was saying and doing. When Jesus told people their sins were forgiven he acted as if their actions against other people were actions against him personally and we will think that as strange. But if he were the Jewish God who cared about each individual personally then it would make sense why he identified as the person who was harmed because a harm to another one of his beloved humans is a harm to him. We all have things in our lives that are precious to us and to have them receive some type of damage or harm becomes personal to us. It is the same for him the way he was acting.
The reason why saying “Jesus was a good person” or a “good moral teacher” falls apart is because the act of forgiving other people their sins in the Jewish Hebrew culture was paramount to proclaiming yourself as the I AM that revealed Himself to Moses at the burning bush and led the people by day as cloud and night as fire. A good moral teacher must be the example of his morals. If he was saying these things falsely he’d be a hypocrite not worth following. But since he never repented of those statements; the logic of him being a “good moral teacher” brings one to the place where you must say he is telling the truth or he is lying and then the statement of Jesus being a “good moral teacher” is false and everything he said should be rejected. If his teachings are good and moral then why are they good and moral?
In order to maintain internal logic and consistency about his moral adherence we are left with the conclusion that He is exactly what he said he is.
To wrap the two seemingly disconnected parts of this article up I quote the words of James, Paul in his letter to the church in Rome, and Jesus’ words recorded in the Gospel of John.
“Don’t be deceived, my dear brothers and sisters. Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. He chose to give us birth through the word of truth, that we might be a kind of first fruits of all he created.”
James 1:16-18 (NIV)
“They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.”
Romans 1:25 (NIV)
“To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
John 8:31-32 (NIV)
The purpose of Mark’s whole series was to identify the problems which come when we reject only half of who God is. When we embrace one set of virtues at the expense of the other. In Mark’s list he has Love, Grace, Kindness, Mercy, and Forgiveness as the Soft Virtues while the Hard Virtues are Truth, Justice, Righteousness, and Holiness. When we have a god in our mind that only embodies one set of virtues we get a created thing like Paul describes and that is not a complete picture.
People will gravitate to a distorted image of God that best embodies the type of “god” that they want in their lives. If they want a “god” that will not do anything against them then a “god” who mostly embodies the Soft Virtues but if they want a “god” who needs everyone to be perfect and provides a way to earn salvation then the Hard Virtues will become the popular ones. We also can see this apply to how individuals can treat others around them because the idea of who God is will impact every part of their lives. When people reject the God of the Bible, YHWH, they will make their own by mixing and matching these virtue elements to create something that appeals to them. There are several downsides of not having a solid truth to rest on but they all stem from a key factor, uncertainty.
If you’ve read Welcome to the Armory then you will know that the virtue of peace follows truth in Ephesians 6:12 because it, peace, is the result of being grounded in the truth and that is why Paul tied the virtue to the military boots of the Romans. Boots that were meant to provide a soldier with a good grip on the ground beneath them across every terrain encountered. And this applies beyond just the personal lives we lead to include the national level. If sources of information cannot be trusted then the stability of that nation will falter and the order which existed due to trusted institutions being dedicated to truth will begin to fade. The only way in which order will be restored is by the reemergence of truth as the dominant force. Those who fight to preserve and restore truth where it is fading away will unknowingly be working within the blessing of Christ because He stands for the truth and will support those who defend it. But when Christ is allowed into the process openly there comes a different type of truth that is tied to the spiritual reality of our world. When this truth is made known and championed it will cause deeper change in the hearts of those who listen because this truth is about morality and what happens to us when we die. Deep questions that we as humans have always grappled with to know the answer to. But some people will reject it because of the impacts that it has on us for it demands that we change in accordance to the revelations of Heaven, Hell, and our inherent sinful nature that we cannot fix on our own.
We need objective truth in our society to be allowed to flourish and spread but tempered with love in the same way Christ dying on the cross showed how they are to be kept in balance. The cross condemned sin and the penalty of death was carried out but due to love He took the spot which we were meant to have. We need objective truth that says; there are only men and women, that you cannot change from one to the other, but that there is an underlying problem causing this disconnect from reality which is what should be treated so that they can be mentally healthy again. People need to be allowed to say certain ideas bring about bad results, other ideas bring about good results, and then ask why do these ideas have these outcomes without worrying about being cancelled or banned from the public forums online. For the national level we need to have things reported with as little bias as possible so that the emotions that often override rational thought don’t get involved.
In the same way a lack of truth and transparency causes doubt and mistrust to be sown and thrive the reemergence of these things will enable a return to stability. To arrive at the end destination of a society that holds both virtues in proper balance it will require effort, prayer, and dedication. But I believe it is possible to have happen if God is permitted to work within every aspect of society.
Until next time, Courage and Godspeed!