The Begining of a Fulfilled Promise

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Friday, June 24th, 2022 is a day that must live on in a spirit of continual praise. Not that the day itself is special but that the events on that day should and must be remembered. Some of you think I’m being a bit dramatic. Fair enough but it only matches the date and event that preceded it. January 22nd, 1973 is a day that should be mourned. In the United States of America, a Supreme Court decision was made on both of these dates and they have had massive effects on our country. The date in 1973 made it within our society that abortion became Federally legalized and now in 2022 the power to decide the legality of abortion has been returned to the individual states. At the time of drafting this post, 6/27/2022, there are 22 states that have either banned abortions outright or are in the process of implementing bans. I pray that these bans will stay in place forever more until the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. My prayer has been for many years that this barbaric action would become banned in the nation. And this action by the United States Supreme Court is part of that process.


It was in 2018 after my family had moved to Maryland when I started the habit of prayer journaling. These journals are more than just your typical diary. They contain notes from sermons I attended, things that stood out to me during a Bible study, and conversations that I have with God.


You can doubt that I even have conversations if you want but they are real and the notes I write down are things that I heard Him say to me. But this was when I truly learned to hear what I call the “Active Voice of God” when you truly hear the voice of the Holy Spirit within you. I remember the first time I did this by taking a notebook and sitting down at the kitchen table during a quiet time at home and then being ready to hear from Him. Saying something along the lines of “If I want to hear from You then I should be ready to write down anything important for me to remember” and then it began. It was a simple conversation with me asking questions and getting answers. The whole experience was new to me and I didn’t know what to make of it. No one had ever mentioned this to me as being possible. I would develop the prayer journal habit which would grow into something that is with me to this day. It was in one of these conversations that God told me something that was amazing.


During my lifetime abortion would become illegal in America. I was thinking to myself “the max-age You set for humans is 120 and I’m 18. If I live out the full possible span having to wait 102 years is a bit too long for me.” Holy Spirit didn’t want to give me any more details about that but what He did lead me to do is pray in more earnest. I began funding the Human Coalition using my entire tax return in 2019 for their special Mother’s Day fundraiser. 


And now as I think about the recent Supreme Court decision I can’t help but think that this is only the beginning. This nation is slowly waking up to the laws of God for right and wrong and it will cause there to be blessings over those who decide to embrace them. I pray that the work in the hearts of people will continue and bring a new generation that appreciates pregnancy and life in the womb.


The Pro-Life position has one fundamental. Human life begins at conception meaning that this life is to be protected and nurtured. You can’t accuse me of being religiously based on that because science shows us that it’s a new human being with unique DNA. I don’t make natural law, I simply follow it.