Plans for 2022 and 2023

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This past year has been a learning experience for me when it comes to joint blogging and podcasting. And I have some things that I’d like to say about what I will be doing for the rest of 2022 and how it will impact 2023. Before I get into the details of what is planned for 2023 let me share what I have to say is the biggest lesson that I’ve learned this year through my struggles in writing these blog-casts.


Of the many lessons learned the primary one is I can’t let myself become detached from my source of content. If this is meant to serve the purpose of being a ministry then I need to be diving into the word of God on a regular basis to help others be fed. The word of God is eternal like Him meaning that it has a value that will never be exhausted and will always be able to supply not just my needs but the needs of others. Because of this I’m going to be increasing my time investment into reading and studying scripture for myself. When I wrote Welcome to the Armory last year it was something done over the course of one weekend to create a blog series. That was easy for me to do because I just needed to read the scriptures and then dive deep into them looking at the words being used and the context for them. I have been lazy in that aspect for the past year. 


Sad as it is to admit it, I’ve spent more time reading and writing fan-fiction, watching TV, and creating original works of fiction than studying the scriptures and praying in this last year. It was because of this imbalance that I struggled in writing the blog-casts. 


Don’t get me wrong. I am not saying that I should have written more of them this past year. The ones I wrote when prompted by God’s Holy Spirit I am glad to have written. But part of me just desires to have been allowed to write more things of equal magnitude. It’s as if part of me feels like if I had been more focused on growing in my relationship with God then there might have been more things to write and publish. 


It is because of this that I have decided to spend the rest of this year reading about Israel’s leaders in the book of Judges and then going through the books following the history of the kings. And I have also decided that I am going to change my focus in what I write. Instead of choosing a topic and then researching it I will be reading and then as things jump out at me from scripture those will be things that I am going to cover. For the rest of this year I am planning to create a buffer of content that I can release on a regular basis in 2023. God willing, this will enable me to keep a steady stream of content flowing for your personal growth as Christians and people who want to know more about Christianity.


In addition to these things I also have some other changes planned for the ministry website. Primarily that I will be adding a section where you can read the blogs that I then record into the podcast episodes. If you follow me on my own personal blog then know that I am not intending to abandon it but rather increasing the reach of the message to include more sites that I run and monitor. These blog pages will have both the written blog and an embedded player for the podcast to be easily accessible. My whole goal in these changes is to make it more user friendly for people as they encounter so that they are more likely to tell others about the content.


My final topic for today is that I am also considering bringing back a segment that I tried doing on my personal blog but failed to carry on with. This segment is called “Media Mondays” and will be me doing an analysis of media in pop culture as things come up to my attention should anything be worth talking about. I can’t guarantee how often the segment will exist as I focus on my studies of scripture but right now just classify it as an idea for stuff I want to do in the future.


That’s all for now and until next time, as always, courage and Godspeed.