Doves of War

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I decided to go with the title “Doves of War” for this post but I had originally wanted to call this post “War Beaks” or even “Dove Talons.” If you follow me on Instagram then you know that I will be talking about birds and spiritual warfare along with politics today.


Let’s begin with the birds. What brought up this subject? Starting in the spring of 2020 I have had an encounter that involved a robin each year since then. This year, it was me finding a robin egg beside a tree outside of work during lunch break on Saturday(6-4-2022). When I mentioned this to one of the guys in the lunch room he told me that robins will push an egg out of the nest if it won’t germinate. I thought that was strange and texted my girlfriend asking her to do two things for me. Verify what I’d heard from my coworker and do some research on doves. I could feel in my spirit that God was at work on something because the number three holds significance in the Bible and the Holy Spirit has been represented with a dove oftentimes in scripture. And what do you know? My girlfriend hit the jackpot! 


Doves and robins share many characteristics. They will both protect their nests aggressively and kick eggs out of the nest. The reason they kick eggs out of the nest is that they won’t germinate properly and for doves, it’s likely not one of their eggs that they are throwing out. While it does happen they are more than likely getting rid of a Cowbird egg and Mourning Doves are quite adept at telling the difference between them. The reason they do this is that Cowbirds will eat all of the food that the parents bring and also push the original baby birds out of the nest. And that brings us back to one important characteristic that doves have. They are highly protective of their young.


When I read the text messages from my girlfriend that had the information about the birds the Holy Spirit lit a match and my brain exploded like a powder keg. I had read Ephesians 5:11 a few days before I found the egg at work which instructs us to have nothing to do with the things of darkness but rather we are to expose them. That night I was in prayer asking God what the deeper meaning behind the robins meant because I knew that He was using them as a stand-in for doves. And here is what He told me and that it was important I put it into today’s post.


“We are in year 3 of Jezebel and Ahab’s rule. Just as Elijah prayed for no rain so too will there be no fuel but they are coming to a close. This is going to come to an end. I will pour out My spirit and cause a massive revival. My people will learn to not fear the world. I will be with them. They will have My power and My character through this they will change the world. Hear what I have said and know that I AM true.” 


I followed this up with prayer for understanding because He is using some figurative language in this. 


Ahab and Jezebel are President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris who lead through witchcraft. This doesn’t mean that they have a pointed hat and green face while cooking things over a fire chanting things backward. Witchcraft simply means that they take power that doesn’t belong to them. It means usurping those in authority at the appointment of God. When God spoke of year three He was referring to how the original Ahab and Jezebel had a famine that lasted for three years according to the word of the Lord that was spoken through Elijah. This famine ended only after Baal was proven to be a false god and then the nation of Israel slaughtered all 450 prophets of Baal who ate at Jezebel’s table. The full account is in 1st Kings chapter 18 verses 20 and until the end of the chapter. But in chapter 19 Jezebel hears about what happened to all of her Baal prophets and sends this message to Elijah; “So may the gods do to me and more also, if I don’t make your life as one of them by this time tomorrow.” He was intimidated by her and ran. The political establishment of the Democratic party and the leftists resort to using intimidation to keep people in line and not question the narratives they are pushing.


I finished John Bevere’s course Breaking Intimidation, based on John Bevere’s book by the same name, on MessengerX and it’s a message that you Need To Take To Heart. It is a short course of 8 videos each averaging 15 minutes long. You can listen through them all in one day if you want but it is so important you realize that the spirit of intimidation needs to be broken in your life. Let me explain the reason why it’s so important to overcome intimidation in one single sentence.


Intimidation leaves you powerless.


That’s it, that is the one thing you need to realize about intimidation and why it is so important to destroy its hold on your life. Intimidation will keep you from working in the authority that Jesus has given Christians. Lesson 2 in the course is all about understanding the dynamic of spiritual authority. Establishing that we can give up the authority that we have as Christians and when we do so it is taken either by a demonic spirit or by a person who is influenced by a demonic spirit. And that is what has happened in our politics.


The political left is trying to stop Christians from exercising their authority. And here is the thing that most people don’t know or realize about the political left. They are influenced by demons. How do we know this? Why am I so emboldened to say these things? The answer is Proverbs 20:11 and Luke 6:43-45. Both of these verses tell us that we can tell by the actions of a person their content and in Matthew 12:34 Jesus says the same thing about what a person speaks. Be yourself the judge and look to see which encampment stands against God. 


Who fights against family as God made it to be when He established it in the garden? Who promotes the killing of infants while calling it a good thing? Who states that parents have no right to decide what their child is taught? Who destroys the image of man? Who attacks the idea of objective truth? Who has promoted sexual immorality in all forms? Who calls the truth of the fallenness of man a hurtful thing to say when it is what makes the savior necessary? Who silences those that speak the truth? 


These are all signs of demonic activity when a person approves of these things. Be awakened to the word that we are in the 3rd year of the famine plaguing Ahab and Jezebel so break the intimidation that desires to hinder you from completing the task that God has made us for. The spirit of intimidation will always come after all of those who are strong in God’s power and authority. People who have His character while not neglecting the gifts that are to be powered through the authority of Jesus Christ.


When the Great Commission was given Jesus said to “baptize them in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” We are meant to be filled with the Spirit of God and that includes being like a dove that is going to aggressively protect the nest. Right now it is the month of June which means that the LGBTQ+ community in the USA is pushing its agenda with strengthened resolve. An agenda that seeks to attack and destroy the biblical family along with the truth of basic biology. And they are highly aggressive in pushing their narrative. Some of you may think I hate the people but you are wrong. I’ve known many such people going through life.


In High School, one of the girls I was friends with was a lesbian. It did not change anything in the way I treated her. She struggled with massive depression and I know in my spirit that she still does. I would often pray over her asking for God to light up her darkness because she doesn’t know God and needs Him dearly. When she needed to go to the doctors for a regular check-up on a benign tumor in her leg and to see if she had developed any skin cancer, which was prevalent in her family, I prayed for her healing daily! 

I heard about her check-up about a month and a half before it was due and prayed until I heard the results from her. No skin cancer signs and the benign tumor was smaller! I still pray for her to come and know the Lord as her savior and true source of life rebuking the darkness that seeks to overwhelm her so often. The hopelessness that desires to bring her to take her own life. When I see the parades and everything else I can only think of her and know that the same darkness that is coming after her is coming after every one of them. These people have been captured by the lies of demons and from those lies, the demons have control over them.


My prayer is for deliverance from the spirit of intimidation in the leaders of the church and the leaders who are being formed in this present age through what I write and through what others are pouring into them. Leaders who may themselves also teach others how to be free of intimidation.


Before we finish today I want to bring us back to Elijah. He ran when Jezebel confronted him with intimidation and because of that God relieved the Prophet Elijah of his position and made Elisha the replacement that would finish the job of taking down Ahab and Jezebel through the leaders that he would anoint to replace the kings of Israel and Judah. Do not run from intimidation but break its hold on you and your life. Come to God in prayer and rebuke the spirit of intimidation in the name of Jesus and ask for God to fill you with the Holy Spirit so that you can work in His power and authority. 


When you have finished the prayer for deliverance know that you have been delivered but that there will also be “counter-offensives” from the spirit of intimidation. The end goal is to discourage you from living in obedience to God which will remove the authority that you have. Rebuke it again in the name of Jesus and remember what we are told in James 4:7 “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee.” When we submit ourselves to God and obey the calling He has on our lives we are given His authority and that is why the devil must flee when we resist him. Do not forget the promise that we have in Romans 8:31 “What then shall we say of these things? If God is for us who can be against us?” Paul asks this because he knows that God is with those who will trust and obey Him.


It is for this reason that I end with a prayer for all of you who read this that you might be delivered from intimidation, for you to be empowered by the Holy Spirit of God, and that you will be strengthened when God places you through the fires of life to have the impurities of your spirit removed.


Dear God,


I call on Your mighty name knowing that You have given us authority. The power to pull down strongholds of the spirit that exist both in our own lives and in the society we live. So now in Your name and authority Jesus, I declare freedom from intimidation over all who seek You. That they shall remain free through the recognition of when it is trying to take them back and thus respond with rebuke. I also ask that those who have secured victory over intimidation would train others in the way of freedom and victory through your power.


I ask that You would grant my request that those who read this will be given an encounter with Your presence that confirms to them what You have written through me. Reveal Yourself to them so that they know You are true and real and strengthen their witness so that they will speak with boldness to profess what You have done in them.


Father in Heaven, I come to You knowing that these things are from You and that you have placed them on my heart to write. I ask that you provide these people with a place where they will grow in both Your character and power. Activate within them the gifts that You wish to give them. Strengthen them so that they know when they come to You that You will begin the process of bringing their character into alignment with Yours through revealing the secret things they have hidden. Their flaws of character and sins of nature that the enemy of our souls would love to use to destroy the work that they do while following Your calling on their lives. 


Oh Lord, I ask that You would remind them that You are refining them for the sake of Your glory and that as they go through it they remember to surrender the things You expose. Soften their hearts to the word of Your truth and of Your guidance and direction. Make them accept Your proper discipline with humility. 


Create in them through this the ability to hope in You alone and not in what You’ve shown them will happen. Let them not forget that You see them like gold to be refined and made beautiful in spirit. I ask that You strengthen those who will grow faint in their time of trials so that they do not forsake You in this time. 


In Your mighty name, Jesus I ask that these things be done.



Course Link: Breaking Intimidation by John Bevere