Thoughtful Thursdays from 2022

The Gates Shall Not Prevail

In today’s episode, Zachary Coffey takes a deep dive into the similarities between the nation of Ancient Israel and the USA. Israel had a written covenant with God but the USA had a spiritual blessing and covenant with God through founding the principles of this nation were and are based on the morality of the Bible. And just like ancient Israel, we have abandoned them but if we choose to fully embrace them again and fight against the spiritual strongholds by our prayers and holy lifestyle then they shall not stand.

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Doves of War

Today we talk about the need for breaking intimidation in order to fulfill the calling that we have in our lives as Christians to be bold. I also share a word that God gave me in my prayer time. A word of encouragement that we are coming to a time when there will be both a restoration and revival in our nation as people learn to walk both in accordance to God’s character and power from submission to His authority.

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