Who We Are
Our Focus
Isaiah 1:18 Ministries is dedicated to contemplating subjects as they relate to scriptures. You’ll find deep dives into the Bible as the universal and eternal lessons are always applicable to some area of our lives. Exploration of the world events to consider the spiritual forces working in the invisible realms. And analysis of media to find what has been intentionally, or unintentionally, layered into it through the writing that has been done.
This ministry’s ultimate purpose is to, hopefully, awaken the mind of those who encounter this place to begin thinking beyond just the church walls.
What We Believe
As Christians we hold these truths to be self evident;
1. That the Bible is the inerrant word of God and source for truth in our lives. (2nd Timothy 3:16)
2. Jesus Christ’s death on the cross and His bodily resurrection on the third day after dying and being buried. (Matthew 28:6 and John 20:15-16)
3. That the Holy Spirit was given to the church on the day of Pentecost as recorded in Acts chapter 2 to empower them to fulfil the great commission from Christ. We believe that He still operates and moves today bringing forth miracles that are purely for the bringing of glory to God. (Acts 1:8, Acts 2)
4. Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven and it is only by accepting His death as the atonement for sin and believing in His resurrection that we are saved. (John 14:6, Acts 16:31)
5. Once we have accepted salvation we are to no longer live according to the patterns of this world but to have our minds renewed in Christ. (Romans 12:2)