God called an audible, I Am Not Sorry.

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Most of you reading this are most likely surprised to find me posting something again this year when in my last one I’d said that I was going to be taking November and December off. Spending the time to read scripture and be filled up again in the word of the Lord to hear His voice better and know His will. You are right, I did say those things but as the title today suggests God called an audible and wanted me to write out some things which have become today’s post. Funnily enough, I was actually working on writing a series going through the book of Judges. A series which will be going into detail analyzing it for personal growth. 


I recommend that you study the book yourselves in preparation for next year. This will give you context when you listen to the Thoughtful Thursdays podcast or read the blogs. And if I can get comments working on the blog posts for Isaiah 1:18 Ministries I will be answering questions and interacting with you all there. I highly recommend you check out the site because I will be transitioning from the current website which is under my own name to write exclusively there since I don’t want my name to be the focus of what I am doing through this work.


I don’t know how many of you have read through the book of judges for yourselves but if you have then you notice how every time the people of Israel turn away from God disaster strikes. And some of you might have wondered “will they ever learn” and the answer is they do, eventually. The problem is that they don’t remember the lessons long enough. When you read through it it becomes plain to us that as long as the judge lived the people did not suffer for they had a leader that worked as a beacon of power and a reminder to others of what has happened. But once that judge dies they will almost immediately do evil again because the generation in charge is not the one who underwent the sufferings.


A generation that heard the stories but thinks it could never happen to them since they are God’s people and He protects them. This results in them no longer having proper respect and honor towards Him as they steadily drift deeper into sin and wickedness. Through doing so their hearts become darkened to the point where they do not understand what is right and wrong. No universal standards are in existence. It is as written “each man did as was right in his own eyes.” 


In other words “what is true and right for you isn’t necessarily true and right for me.” Our culture reflects the mindset of ancient Israel who forgot their place and the laws of God. Their place was to be a holy people set apart from the world specifically to be in a unique relationship with God. He did not want them to have a king but it was the people who asked Him for one if you read 1st Samuel. On Sinai God wanted a relationship with the people where they could know Him but the people were afraid and told Moses to go up and speak to the Lord for them and bring them His commands.(Exodus 20:19-21) God wanted to test them and I have to say, they failed the test for He desired that they should draw near to Him. We know this is God’s desire for all mankind because it is written in James chapter 4 “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” 


Before we go further I cannot stress enough the importance of reading the full context of a piece of scripture. 


That verse is the second one in a segment detailing humility and how it is necessary to submit to God and resist the devil until he flees from us. He flees not because we resist him but because we are submitted to God and the authority of God is what allows us to rebuke the devil. But this authority comes only from surrendering to God. That is why the first part of that verse commands “Submit to God.” This part is not a new commandment. In fact, it summarized the first four commandments of the first ten that were given to the people of Israel after they had left Egypt while at Mount Sinai. But you will only know these things if you truly read to understand the context of scripture and to know the entirety of what it says. Paul writes to Timothy and says that “All scripture is God breathed, useful for teaching..” 2nd Timothy 3:16, he goes on explaining the many other uses of scripture but the key word in that phrase is the word all. 


It doesn’t say some scripture is God breathed but all scripture is God breathed. If all scripture is God breathed then that must mean we should make an effort to know all of the writings. Christians tend to dread the boring scriptures but something my fiancé has said is that “It’s in the boring stuff that the good stuff is hidden.” And this fits with what Proverbs 25:2 declares to us.


“It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, but it is the glory of kings to seek it out.” When you look at the Hebrew word it is “davar” which can translate to also mean saying or utterance. And if you think about what an utterance is you realize that this verse can very easily be applied to understanding or a teaching. God has provided us with teachings that reveal His glory and when we seek to understand them it causes others to give glory that we are to direct to God. 


We need to keep digging deeper into the word not just to be recognized by others as wise but for our own growth in the knowledge of God and who He truly is. Otherwise we become like the nation of Israel which would easily forget the Lord and not submit to Him. 


The results of their forgetfulness is a repetition of their old ways. They do not learn until they suffer and that is a thing that seems universal to humanity when I look at history.


In the modern day vast amounts of people in the Western World are desiring socialism and communism. Guess what age bracket has the most support for it? It’s the younger generations, Millennials and Generation-Z who didn’t see the events of the cold war. Those who have not been taught proper history about these ideologies. Everytime they take hold of the government it causes a power creep over the people and replaces God with itself. 


Those in charge and positions of power have more freedoms than those who are not in charge. Like the children of Israel who repeated their mistakes for they wouldn’t learn we may make the same mistake.


Look at Eastern Europe which suffered under the USSR. When countries in Western Europe said they didn’t want the USA to station forces in their land anymore the Eastern Bloc nations were quick to offer themselves as hosts. Why do you think that is? They had seen what an authoritarian regime can and will do to any who dissent against the narrative. And they want to avoid it at all costs.


When 2020 and 2021 came bringing with them lockdowns and restrictions what do you think caused the shortages? Government interference through extreme regulations that were being pushed through emergency orders. In the United States of America the declaration of “National Emergency” by President Donald Trump in March of 2020 has yet to be lifted even though President Joe Biden in an interview with CBS in September said the pan-ic was over. In November of 2022 the second resolution to end the state of emergency passed in the Senate and has been moved to the House of Representatives where it might be killed through not enough support like the first one and if it doesn’t get killed President Joe Biden has gone on record saying that he will veto any such legislation that may come through.


Our only hope is to pray for God to change hearts and wake up people to see what is going on. We must pray that hearts are changed, for the nature of man is corruption and seeking personal gain. Right now the executive branch has a lot more power because of the state of emergency. One that was recently officially extended through February of 2023 according to an article from the Washington Examiner. President Joe Biden and the Democrats along with Bernie Sanders, who is not technically a Democrat, want a socialistic communistic styled control over the USA. 


Read the history of the world and find that the communists have killed more of their own people through purging dissidents than Hitler did jews. Hitler only murdered 6 million but according to historian Norman Naimark Stalin killed many more of his own people than Hitler did jews. Estimates amongst historians range from the low end of 20 million up to 60 million people dead not counting the 20 million lives lost as a result of the second world war. Go research the leaders of communist countries and see that they only care about control and making sure that there is none higher than them. Any who dare stand against are made powerless through the muting of their voices, removing of their resources, and if the government deems necessary the ending of life. Prayer and calling on the Lord is our only hope for change in this nation to change course. 


Pray for God to awaken all who are asleep to these things in the world. Make petitions on their behalf that God will be moved to reach them and again provide them with the option to return to Him and be saved.


Humble yourselves before Him asking for the forgiveness of your sins confessing that you have placed other things above Him in your life and start again your pursuit of Him. Then listen for the Lord and request that the Holy Spirit be made alive and powerful within you. Read the book of Acts and see that the Holy Spirit’s baptism is not an optional thing to the Church. For it is by the indwelling and empowerment through Him that we can do what must be done. 


Hearing His word and knowing His voice we are taught to listen. Reading the scriptures our eyes are made open and revelation is given to us. Be like the Berean Christians who first tested what Paul spoke against the Old Testament test the things you hear in church with the Bible. Why do you fear to do this? Truth has no fear of being questioned for it has no deceit in it only deceit avoids questions for it shall be revealed by questions that a trick has been done. 


Learn for yourselves the scriptures that you might not be tricked by a man who is smooth in his speech. Or a woman with words sweet as honey to your being. Test them by what is written by God. Ask God for clarity and guidance knowing that He will provide and if something seems off to you or strange ask the Lord for further guidance. Do not try to hide your confusion but tell Him these things to build your trust in Him knowing that our Father in Heaven doesn’t discipline us for asking questions but delights to instruct us in righteousness. When you hear a voice that isn’t your own while you pray, listen to what it has to say and test to see if it is of God for nothing the Spirit of the Lord will command is going to contradict the commands of scripture. Command silence in the name of Jesus to all voices not of God that you may be able to hear the truth and not be deceived.


As you learn the truth and become well versed in it you shall be made free of lies and able to recognize it for you know the truth. Seek the Lord in all things and make sure that you do not forsake Him for it shall be then that you become lost once again and more susceptible to falsehood. Do not feel ashamed when you stumble but confess them and renew your efforts to live righteously before God that it may serve as a witness to all man.


I end today by saying that even if a country is destined to finally fall like Israel did God will not forsake His people. Courage and Godspeed until next time.