Coming for Our Children

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I won’t beat around the bush. You’ve read the title and know that we are going to be talking about the current attack on children. Satan wants to have control over their thoughts and what they believe. The younger a child is the more likely they are to believe what they’ve been told even when it is false. There is a naivety amongst children that is used against them. Young children are in learning mode as their brains stretch and expand creating new connections and memories within their minds. Proverbs 22:6 says “Train up a child in the way he should go, and even when he is old he will not depart from it.” God revealed to Solomon that these early teachings will stay with them for the rest of their lives and it is something that even our enemy Satan knows.


If you can get a child while they are young you will most likely be able to keep them when they are old because of how you trained them. Training comes in many different forms but the basic definition of training could be to gain knowledge of something or to gain deeper knowledge and understanding of something.


Knowledge is gained through what information we consume and choose to keep. For instance, I took several courses growing up and not all of them have stayed with me. I know the basics of many subjects but the details have faded out over time. The only ones that have remained are those that I have practiced. The things that I have kept up on and alive in my mind. 


One method of learning that was and is still used is repetition because it is the only way to remember things. Our memory is based on the pathways in our mind through the nerve connections that exist. We learn so much faster when we are younger because our brain is busy constantly expanding and telling everything to stretch and grow. But as we get older those nerves will begin to expand at a lower rate and learning becomes something more difficult to do. Not only is learning harder but unlearning is also harder to accomplish.


Satan’s plan to destroy the biblical family has many factors and methods but I am going to focus primarily on those that are coming after our children. The first step in the process is exposing children to the ideas of the LGBT+ and the concept of sex at an early age. This is being done through the media being consumed and through schools. Many children’s shows are hard for parents and adults to sit through and my gut is telling me that this is by design so that parents and adults don’t watch them. Because of this, the messages are being smuggled into the content in either subtle or not subtle ways. I have seen both when I watch shows and I’m tired of it. There are two shows that I’ve abandoned my loyalty to because of this issue. The series Miraculous Ladybug and the Dragon Prince have been through my chopping block. Both of these shows have gone that route and I want nothing to do with them. 

These shows are on Netflix and rated Y7 meaning that they are considered fine for 7-year-olds. The rating system is primarily based on the following factors; the type of violence involved, if there is any foul language, sexual content, or scary and frightening images. This rating system obviously doesn’t take into account the type of relationships or lifestyles promoted in the series. But the worst part of what is being done I would have to say is the existence of Drag Queen Story Hour and California’s attempt at being a sanctuary state for transgender minors. The “story hours” are often times being held at public libraries for kids as young as 4 years old. I’m saddened by things like the story hours and public pride parades. 


What infuriates me are things like California’s actions because children and teenagers don’t truly understand themselves and when they start wanting to remove healthy parts of their bodies because they don’t feel like “it fits” with them it becomes child abuse to remove them. Doctors won’t allow people who believe they are actually amputees to get their arms or legs removed because that violates the Hypocritic Oath to do no harm in their actions. But to remove healthy primary reproductive organs in the case of men and secondary ones in the case of women who have their breasts removed is considered to be compassionate? This is a sign that they are abandoning objective truth in droves.


And this brings us back to academia where there are teachers who openly endorse the LGBT+ lifestyle and encourage their students to keep things hidden from their parents. This removal of parents from a child’s life as their main influence is paramount to Satan’s plan to secure his place as ruler of the world. 

We know that he will be unable to keep the world but he wants to take as many as he can with him to hell. If he can get the children that come from many generations of Godly men and women to turn away and fully embrace the life of the world then he can secure rulership over the world. This is why there is such a repetition of the narratives about what a family is, how there are “more than two genders,” and all of the other things that are being pushed forth. 


We know that Satan is coming for the children of Christians to turn them away from God in a form of power play. One that says “I’m going to kill you with your children pulling the trigger smiling.” You may think that’s a bit dark but that does a lot to a person’s motivation. To find out you have been betrayed by the children you raised. Now here is the question, did you raise those children or did you give them to someone else to be raised by them?


I ask that question because it is important to know that a child is raised by what they take in through what they are exposed to and the instruction they receive. 

Parents have the authority to properly raise up their children and that includes the environment that they are in. In researching things for today I find it interesting that the mandate that kids be in school was right around the 1920s. Remember nothing happens in a vacuum and in the 1920s was the Azusa Street revival where the Holy Spirit poured out and empowered the Church in a way that paralleled Acts chapter 2. It would take a while for the laws to exist all across the United States demanding children put into school and I am willing to declare that Satan put this in motion for the purpose of being able to corrupt the children at some point in the future. If he couldn’t get it done now he would set things up for a more beneficial time. Remember Satan is a fallen angel which means he has existed for millennia and knows how to play the long game with us humans. He has studied us and is continuing to study us as a species. We now find ourselves roughly one hundred years after that time and the power the state has over our children’s education has been truly revealed. 


The state has oversight over how children are raised and is making it harder to homeschool children or even send them off to a non-state-funded school. 

A few years ago the Maryland Boost Program for children in less fortunate households ejected Bethel Christian Academy from the program and tried to make them pay back two full years’ worth of scholarship funds. Citing their religious beliefs about marriage being between one man and one woman to be discriminatory. Bethel Christian Academy wasn’t the only Christian school in the program to be given this order but they were the only ones to file suit against the state of Maryland. Their lawsuit was picked up by the Alliance Defending Freedom, a non-profit law group, and after a little while of constant back and forth they eventually won the case and weren’t forced to pay back the money.


I tell you all this story because this is one of the ways we fight back. There are legal options available for us to use but we never think of them. 

One other way to fight back is found in Florida where the Parental Rights in Education Act makes it illegal for teachers to bring up the topic of sex, sexual orientation, or anything of that nature around children in third grade or below. I along with many others that I know in my life think that the law is too lenient. Many of us think that these subjects shouldn’t even be mentioned in elementary school, but I digress. 

Our other option is to use our influence at school board meetings where members of their community can bring up subjects of issue and concern. We have a voice and we must not forget the importance of it. The battle is one in the spirit and that means we need to use spiritual weapons to change the course of the fight. Spiritual warfare is about where you have your allegiance. Is it to God or yourself and this all takes place in your mind which is why words are so impactful. 

Twitter banned the word groomer because as people were being exposed for what they were the word spread and as people understood the definition they were quick to identify other behaviors in people. In much the same way the phrase “okay boomer” became an internet sensation an “okay groomer” mentality had formed. Calling the enemies of the Florida bill groomers and I believe that there was truth to what was happening to warrant the word getting banned. 

Ironically, this only works to prove what people were saying.


I want to finish today by encouraging everyone who is in a leadership role as a Pastor to be less afraid of calling out evil. Your job as a pastor is to feed to sheep and make sure that the wolves don’t get close. When the lions and bears come you need to go after them and kill them. Part of this includes making sure that your congregation is fully aware of what is happening as it relates to your situation. Don’t water down the word of God and make it easier to handle. Let it have the full impact on people that God wants it to have. Isaiah tells us that the words of the Lord don’t return void but in order for that to happen you need to speak it without changing it. You may be afraid of division but I remind you that Jesus himself said that he didn’t come to bring peace but a sword. He came to separate those who would follow him from those who would not. Paul wrote to the Corinthian church reminding them that a little leaven leavens the whole lump. In this case, he was referring to unconfronted sin in the congregation. If you feel uncomfortable speaking the truth about a subject because you know it will make someone unhappy that is exactly what you need to speak because it will enable them to be set free from it. Intimidation is a spiritual weapon that Satan has used to great effect in the church as many with great influence are more willing to keep silent on the sins that society is enamoring and making praiseworthy. As you think about this remember that God is not afraid of replacing people. He replaced Eli and his sons with Samuel. He replaced Saul with David. Paul was not reprimanded for rebuking Peter after he backslid into old Jewish customs of not associating with gentiles. God has rebuked and replaced the great heroes of the past who stumbled and didn’t do as they were supposed to do so why would He treat you any differently?


My final word today is for you to take courage in what Jesus says to His disciples in John 16:33 “In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart for I have overcome the world.” Until next time, Courage and Godspeed.