Isaiah 1:18 Ministries

“Come now, let us reason together says The LORD: though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool” Isaiah 1:18 ESV Bible


Blog Incoming: The Thoughtful Thursdays Podcast will begin being available in blog format in 2023


Weekly Podcasts: Zachary Coffey, host of the Thoughtful Thursdays Podcast will be taking a break from November of 2022 through December of 2022 with plans to return again in January.

The Required Break

Today, Zachary provides a “Behind the Scenes” look into his life and how things have been changing requiring him to take a bit of a break from Blogcasting Work.

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Why Do We Pray?

When we pray God looks at our hearts and sees the truth of our condition. Humility is rewarded while boastfulness and pride are not. Prayer is for the sake of communication between you and God, not to prop ourselves up in the sight of man.

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Accepting Boredom

When business takes over and we let it crowd out the importance of taking a rest it will cause us to become fatigued and lose the ability to endure as we ought to. It is by surrendering our many worries, thoughts, desires, stressors, and burdens to Jesus that we become able to have a peace that lasts and goes beyond our understanding.

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Living on Mission

Living a life on mission requires many things to be fruitful for the kingdom of God but they all flow from maintaining a relationship with Him. A relationship resulting in us developing humility, strength, and the ability to trust Jesus at all times because we know who He truly is.

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Forcing Self Cancellation

Today, Zachary shares the following thought about cancel culture.
Satan doesn’t have the power over what we think or say but what he can do is intimidate and ultimately demoralize us into self-cancellation. The reason for this is to take us out of the battle completely.

Scriptures for the Thought; 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2, John 3:19, 2nd Corinthians 10:5, Romans 8:37, and 2nd Timothy 1:7.

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